Who am I?

Hi there! My name is Sydney, and I am very excited that you are here. 

My somatic journey began in 2016. I started to experience multiple panic attacks a day and found I was struggling to survive. I had been seeing a talk therapist for many years prior and she suggested I start seeing a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP). I never heard of SE and had no idea what it involved but I knew I needed help. I was willing to try anything.
Each session I started to discover my nervous system. The sensations that used to trigger me started to become signals to check in. I started to connect to my body instead of trying to fight it. I started to discover and connect to me. I never knew that is what I was missing on my healing journey … me!

Fast forward to 2020 when I received a nudge to start the journey to becoming an SEP. I experienced firsthand how transformational this modality can be, and I want to share it with all who will listen. This is the heart behind Every Day Somatic. There is not a day that goes by where I am not using the tools and resources, I guide clients to use. Navigating these bodies we were given can be difficult, confusing, overwhelming, and sometimes scary. Let SE help reintroduce you to your nervous system and see what thriving is like.

Fun facts about me - I feel the most grounded in nature. I love writing and reading. Something that rejuvenates me is exploring new places. I am a Christian (you do not have to be one; I like to disclose my background upfront). I enjoy spending time with friends and family.